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Shu-Mi Berovo

About Project

Completely new, fresh and professional look. Also pinned the most valuable information about company history and the making of it.


June 2022

Redesigning the Shu-Mi Berovo website — a UX case study

SHU-MI is a small business that produces organic honey products. They approached us to revamp their website and create a more polished and professional look while emphasizing the purity and organic nature of their honey. We developed a modern, user-friendly website that not only showcased their products but also shared their history and production methods. This project was part of a Hackathon, where we had a tight deadline of 48 hours to complete the work. Through effective time management and teamwork, we successfully finished the project on time, including the final pitch to the stakeholders. Despite having limited knowledge about beekeeping and honey-making at the start, we invested a significant amount of time and effort in researching and understanding the business and production process. The stakeholders were highly impressed with our work, especially the section of the website that allows users to communicate and share their beekeeping experiences with others.

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