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Hi there!

My name is Velimir 

As an up-and-coming UX designer hailing from Macedonia, I'm excited to share my unique perspective on problem-solving and fulfilling customer needs while simultaneously improving their daily lives.

My journey to becoming a UX designer is rooted in my love for psychology, particularly the need to comprehend both ourselves and others. This desire to apply psychological insights to everyday issues inspired me to explore the field of UX design and its potential to positively impact our lives.

I have always been passionate about music and movies, as they offer a fascinating insight into the human psyche. As an empathetic individual, I find this aspect of art particularly captivating, and it has proven to be a valuable skill in my work as a designer.

In my free time, I am heavily involved in our Scout Unit, where I teach adults essential leadership skills, logistical planning, time management for camping trips, survival techniques, and more. This is just a glimpse into my life, but feel free to ask me anything as I love engaging in conversation.

Get to Know Me

My passion for design was sparked around seven years ago out of a curiosity to alleviate boredom. When I downloaded my first copy of Photoshop, I was initially overwhelmed by its complexity, having never encountered anything quite like it. However, as time passed, I gradually began to acquire a solid foundation in design principles and techniques. I started with basic projects such as designing posters, logos, and cover art for individuals within my community, and my love for design grew from there.

Following my high school graduation, I sought to broaden my design skills and explore new avenues. This led me to enroll in a UX and UI Academy, which initially felt like a departure from the graphic design I had previously worked on. However, after completing several modules, I began to comprehend the essential role of UX and UI in the design world. As I continued to learn and develop my skills, I secured my first project as a UX/UI designer. Collaborating with my team was a fantastic learning experience, and we gained valuable insights from the project.

With the completion of five to six fully-realized projects and ongoing daily learning, I am continually inspired by the power of design to transform the user experience.


Image by Emily Bernal
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